Página 17 - Periódico - Tercera Edición (2)

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20 de junio de 2016
We cannot deny that when we are at school we tend not to speak to the older and younger
kids. For that reason, our school organizes a school trip to the countryside for fourth of ESO,
first and second of Bachillerato. This enables us to
speak to each other and get to know everyone a bit
This year, we went to the Sierra of Grazalema and
we started off with a long trek through the
mountains until we reached a beautiful destination
where we enjoyed our mid-day snack. We got our
strength back and we made the journey back. We
arrived at a perfect spot where we ate all together.
In addition, there was a football pitch available
where we all enjoyed a football match with some of
our teachers. During this time, we played a wide array of sports such as volleyball and
football. Not only did we get to know our school mates better, but we also got the chance to
interact with the teachers outside the classroom.
Overall, we can wholeheartedly say we had a whale of a time together and we cannot wait to
repeat this incredible experience next year.
Laura Ramírez (1º BACH).