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Quinta Edición
1 de abril de 2016
Entrevistamos a nuestro nuevo profesor estadounidense Daniel Cooper, que nos cuenta sus
impresiones acerca de su nueva experiencia.
Do you like the atmosphere in ``El Altillo´´?
Yes, I love ``El Altillo´´, it reminds me to the school where I went when I was a child . Working
here is fantastic, as I can teach students and learn about them as well.
Schools in America are different to the ones in Spain, which is the main difference?
The main difference is the concept of Bachillerato. Here they let you choose between science,
technology and social sciences. In America it is different, as there you only have one curriculum.
Mister Cooper, you are a teacher who teachs many subjects, which is you favourite one?
Natural science, because it is closer to my academic discipline.
Which career have you studied?
I was as a civil engineer but my university degree is for biology and chemistry.
Do you like Spain?
I love Spain and especially Andalucia. I have being in Barcelona in 1992 for the Olympics. I really
didn’t understand the Spanish culture until I came here to the south.
What has brought you to spain?
My wife brought me to Spain, we met each other in Florida, then we got married and she got
pregnant. She wanted to raise our son here (in her country), so she convinced me to come to
Talking about Spanish food, do you like it?
My favourite Spanish food is jamón serrano, tortilla de camarones and atún de almadraba.
What has impressed you more about spain?
I would say that the afroamerican experience is a lot different in Europe.
Carmen Rodríguez y Marta Jiménez (1º BACH).